Handmade Christmas

Last week I was invited to Laura Ashley’s Handmade Christmas bloggers event. It was a lovely opportunity to catch up with friends, meet some new bloggers, try my hand at some Christmas crafts and have a peek at the Laura Ashley Christmas collection. It was held at Homemade London which was transformed into a winter wonderland […]

Creative Christmas Giveaway!

If you couldn’t make it to the Creatives Christmas Party, and rather fancied one of those goodie bags, then I have some very good news for you! Stacie and I both have two goodie bags to giveaway, which means four bags up for grabs in total! These goodies contain some seriously lovely stuff from some […]

The Creative Christmas Party!

After months of planning, baking, blogging and tweeting it was finally the day of our Creative Christmas Party. Stacie met me at my flat in the morning where we packed all of the goodie bags and then loaded an insane amount cake into Stacie’s little car. We arrived at the Harcourt Arms and had a […]